Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2012 Trip: Day 2 Wildlife

Saw this slaty-tailed trogon right outside the labs :o  It's related to the famous resplendent quetzal which was considerered to be divine by the Aztecs and the Maya.  Isn't it just...?  Some of them nest in occupied termite mounds.

We went on a two-hour night hike.  This was on a low branch only about eight feet up.  Poofy little guy! White-collared manakin, closely related to the red-capped manakin which moon-walks like MJ to impress the ladies.

Smoky Jungle Frog - eats almost anything

Owl Butterfly
Red-eyed Treefrog


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  3. My original post had some grammar errors. This was not directed at you Shelby!!! You have amazing photos and I can't wait to talk to you about your experience.
